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my "rich"

So there is this trend rolling around on social media where you show what "rich" means to you.

& I think it is absolutley brilliant.

Culturally, "rich" has very much been associated with money.

But there are so many other ways to feel "rich".

The trend starts out with the quote "when i grow up i want to be rich". Then the videos showcase people experiencing life and the things they enjoy with with the caption "my rich" over top.

It's brilliant. I absolutely LOVE seeing the experiences that have set peoples souls on fire.

It helps me to feel a sense of closeness to them; to feel a part of their heart radiating in video form.


I have to be completley honest, money makes things easier. It just does.

But I never thought about it much growing up. I grew up in a safe home having the things I needed and things I wanted. It wasn't at the forefront of my mind.

Even now, I never think... "oh, if I were monetarly rich my life would be better."

Because that simply is not true. For me anyway. Maybe it is for you.

I grew up knowing I wasn't going to be able to have kids. At that time in the world, there was a lot of "if you can't give a man a kid, they won't want you" chatter.

So, my life was going to be filled with exeriences.

My goal was to become a nurse, live in a cheap apartment in a city with a good airport, use public transportion and see the the world. On my own.

Oh boy did life change. A story for another time. 😉

Anyways, you know that saying "time slows down when you're making memories." Like when you're doing something that isn't part of the daily routine.

Take Thanksgiving for instance. Keith and I ended the day was such a long day. In a good way. I hosted my family for lunch and then we went to Keith's family for dinner.

The whole day consisted of things that were out of the ordiary. Not our mundane daily routine (that I really do love most days).

It really is true, the more experiences you have and the more time you take to learn, the slower time goes by. & so much of it doesn't have to cost money.

I would like to share 10 things that make me feel "rich".

  1. The knowledge to take care of my body properly.

  2. My legs - they have gotten me to every single place i've ever been. Holy shit. Think about that. It's incredible.

  3. Getting to share our life with our chosen family in Mexico.

  4. The fact that Keith and I make dinner a priority together almost every night.

  5. Wednesday chats with my Mom.

  6. Scenery, sunsets, sunrises, the sounds of nature and beautiful landscapes.

  7. The adrenaline you feel after you've booked a trip.

  8. Cooking dinner with things I grew in my garden.

  9. Friendships that are easy.

  10. The love of our animals.

The list could be endless, but i'm going to stop there.

Please share some of your "riches" in the comments below. I would love to hear what sets your soul on fire.

Get out.

Do it.

See the thing.

Stop being afraid.

You deserve to feel the fire.

Hope you all are having a happy day!

As always, feel free to reach out whenever.

Like, comment and share this post.

It really helps me out more than you know.

Thanks for being here. 🫶🏼


Kirsten ☀️

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